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Grant Union High School (Main Campus)

Pacers for Life

Grant Union High School (Main Campus)

Pacers for Life

Evaluating Sources

Why does it Matter?

Why does it Matter?

We live in a new era when it comes to the sharing of information. Now, more than in any other time in history, we have to be very careful consumers of information, as "fake news" and "alternative facts" have become widespread, especially in online content.

To be sure we are including only verifiable and reputable content in our academic work, we have to know how to determine if a source we are using has issues with credibility, accuracy, or bias.

How do we know if a source is reliable?

How do we know if a source is reliable?

Helpful hint . . . .

Helpful hint . . . .


Many of the elements you need to create your Works Cited entry (author, publisher, date, etc.) are the same ones you need to evaluate a source for credibility.  If you are struggling to identify more than a few of the required citation elements,  the source likely has issues with reliability and may not be a good choice.

Source Evaluation Tools

Source Evaluation Tools

The tools and checklists below can help you determine the validity and credibility of the sources you find during your research.